Monday, April 1, 2013

New York Times Upfront; Parallel Barking

               Dogs are trained to rescue people, sniff out drugs, detect oil spills, and many more things. Dog trainers have recently added a new skill to the list: driving. Animal Rescue Workers in New Zealand have taught three dogs awaiting adoption: Porter, Monty, and Ginny, to drive an SUV. They did this to prove just how smart dogs can be to adopters. They trained these dogs just as you would train any other animal, by rewarding them with treats every time they steered or changed gears. After 8 intense weeks of training Porter, Monty, and Ginny could drive. Recently the dogs took a driving test in New Zealand and they passed.(unfortunately they were underage so they didn't get their driver's licenses)

               The Author wanted the reader to realize just how smart dogs actually are. They wanted humans to respect the mind of our best friends. they wanted us to see this opportunity and take time to exercise our dog's brains because they are smarter than we think. 

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